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My Ancestral Vibe


Regular price $180.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $180.00 AUD
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Amethyst Ring

Size 8.5



Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz, and it can be used to treat imbalanced hormones, headache, indigestion, tumors, broken bones, acne, and tissue degeneration.

This violet gemstone can help one to overcome anxiety, stress, and other conditions.

It can help conquer bad habbits and addictions, and it promotes equanimity. Amethyst bridges the mental and spiritual realms, helping us to cultivate trust in our inner guidance.

Amethyst is famous for it's spiritual properties, including enhanced meditation and dreaming, psychic development, spiritual cleansing, and connecting to higher realms. It is a stone of wisdom and serenity, and it facilitates spiritual alchemy. Amethyst highlights our most limiting conditions so that we can release them. Amethyst can be used to transmute energy of one's environment.