The Stone of Higher Consciousness”
High Vibration Crystal
SUPER SEVEN is a combination of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite. It shares the healing and metaphysical properties of each combined stone. All of these energies combined makes for a very powerful stone.
SUPER SEVEN is known to have a vibration that links all of humanity together. Its influence works to raise the vibration of each individual in order to change the vibratory level of the whole planet.
SUPER SEVEN aids personal ascension by assisting one in developing their psychic gifts, especially psychic knowing, which will aid in taking the right path for spiritual elevation.
SUPER SEVEN attunes one to it’s metaphysical abilities and triggers the development of psychic abilities to further healing and wellness on all levels for the healing of Earth. It also aids in the healing of physical, intellectual and spiritual diseases.
SUPER SEVEN has multiple levels to its connection with each individual. The deeper the connection between the stone and the holder the more guidance, support and assistance, along with some new gifts too, the stone will grant available to access.
SUPER SEVEN brings the soul back into communication with the Divine.
SUPER SEVEN brings clarity of mind as it raises one’s vibrations to a totally new level.
SUPER SEVEN never needs to be cleansed or charged.
CHAKRA(s): All
- Healing
- Protection
- Power
- Grounding
- Psychic Development
- Psychic Protection
- Telepathy
- Telekinesis
- Clairaudience
- Clairvoyance
- Psychic Abilites
- Awareness
- Channeling
- Universal Creativity
- Personal Power
- Intuition
- Spiritual Grounding
- Purifies, balances and energizes all of the Chakras and Auric bodies
- Aligns the Chakras to the highest vibration
- Heightens the vibration of any other crystal in its vicinity
- Aids spiritual and psychic workers to take their talents to the next level higher
- Once attuned to the crystal it will help make a stronger connection with spirit
- Will increase already developed gifts to a new level
- Keep this stone in one’s Auric field so they can benefit from personal healing
- Sleep with one to awaken with a deep sense of peace, harmony and contentment.
- Meditation with this stone may stimulate psychic communication
- Aids one in the seeing of Auras
- They bring through an amazing amount of spiritual light
- Possess strong grounding properties
- They raise the vibrations of lower frequencies that are near the holder
- This stone never needs to be cleansed
- Revitalizes and cleanses the negative energy in and around the energy field
- Helps release old patterns